lawakami international corporation is total creator's company, which dealing with import/export, introduction of wedding dress/accessories brands in the world and wholesale of license business.
As a specialized trading company, we offer the service of products planning, development and production of related accessories and bridal gifts.
We introduce the new remarkable brands, that we find at the international trade fair and each boutiques/selected shops, to the domestic (Japanese) buyers.
We invite the domestic bridal shops and rental dress shops to our own trade exhibition, and we show them the imported items, which is a fusion of birdal and fashion. They can feel the trend fashion on time.
また、いつもより少しオシャレを意識しつつ フォーマルな場でも映えるイヴィニングやカクテルドレスもご紹介しています。
We share the designes and brands that can respond to various situations, besides the existing wedding styles.
We select and supply the wedding dress like following styles that can be variety :
Dress : Very light design like one-piece, Church wedding dress with long train, Classic volumed wedding dress, Wedding with fashion design ....
Accessory/Shoes : Selectied mainly items that can be used in occasions other than weddings. We have a single item that can be used in everyday life.
In addition to that, we show the evening/cocktail dress that you can wear at formal occasion. It brings you to feel more stylish and brightness.
●海外トレードフェア参加履歴:London Bridal Gallery, New York, Bridal Fashion Week, Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week, Si SposaItalia, Premier Vision Paris, etc...
Utilizing the cultivated experience as a specialized trading company, we assist the business for the buyers whom are concerned with bridal regardless of the industry, such as attending, assisting, intermediary and trading agancy.
Based on well experienced with trading knowledge, we offer the best service with rich information network and business connection that we have.
We also suppor the customer that are looking for attending agency to the International trade fair exclude the bridal. Please feel free to contact us anytime.
● International Trade Fair participation history :London Bridal Gallery, New York, Bridal Fashion Week, Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week, Si SposaItalia, Premier Vision Paris, etc...
例:ショップネーム入りオリジナルハンガー、オリジナルドレスBOX,ドレスカバー、アクセサリーケース、顧客様オリジナルドレス・小物作製のアシスト、リングピロー、フォトアルバム、イメージミニチュアウェディングドレス・タキシード 等
Based on the wedding related items mainly, we create, porduce and supply them to you.
Example : Original hanger with boutique name, Original dress box/dress cover, accessory box, customized dress, assistant of accerry production, Ring pillow, Photo Album, Image miniature wedding dress/texudeo etc....
If you are interestetd in production of your original item, we support you for making them under our partnership factories in Asia.
オリジナルデザイン -Original design -
カスタムデザイン -Customized design -
日本人デザインによるアイテム -Made by Japanese Designer -